From the course: Introduction to Photography

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Exploring how exposure compensation works

Exploring how exposure compensation works

From the course: Introduction to Photography

Exploring how exposure compensation works

- I'm still working these trees, and I mentioned earlier that when I was standing here looking up at them, I could see perfect silhouettes and they looked like flames and that's very cool. I'm sorry, I just saw an image that I hadn't seen before. I'm still working the shot, I can't stop. This is really nice. Anyway, but what I'm thinking here is, when I look at just these silhouettes like this, that's nice, but, as I stand here looking at it, I can see detail. I can see lemons on these trees, I can see texture on those trees. Why am I just seeing a silhouette in my camera? That's because my eye has a much greater dynamic range than my camera does. Dynamic range is the range of darkest to lightest tones that I can see, and with my eye, I can see detail in those shadows, and I can see clouds up above. My camera only has about half the dynamic range that my eye does. So, I have to choose. I can either see detail in the sky or detail in the shadows. The camera's light meter, by default…
