From the course: Introduction to Photography

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Composing using autofocus

Composing using autofocus

- I found this raggedly beautiful flower here that I want to photograph, so, I could just drop it in the middle of the frame and actually get a pretty decent picture, but I think there's a better picture to be had if I do a little composition, so I'm going to do what I said earlier. I'm going to try to find a way of balancing this flower with something else in the frame. Now, as I stand here right now, looking at the scene, I can't imagine what that one might, what that might be, I'm just seeing too much. There's real power to that frame of your viewfinder so don't worry if you can't always see a composition before you bring the camera up to your eye. It's really looking through the camera is where things often happen. Okay, I've got it. This is a nice, cool, balanced composition, but I'm not going to show you what it is yet. We've got some other things to figure out, so, I'm going to keep you in suspense here because now I need to move on to the next step which is something we've…
