From the course: Introducing Maven

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The POM file

The POM file

- [Instructor] So that we've talked about Maven and the Java project structure, it's time to get into the heart and soul of Maven, the POM.xml file Often, you will hear a Java developer who has experience with Maven tell you to do something in the POM file, but you may be asking what it is really. The POM file is the Project Object Model it contains all of the details about the project, the dependencies, the build, and the reporting of the project itself. The project information is top-level details of the project This includes items like the group the project belongs to, this is an organization unit in a Maven repository and often corresponds to the root package of your project. It also includes the project or artifact identifier, this is the common name of your project. Version is also included in the project information. Most often developers use semantic versioning for Maven projects but there are also a few qualifiers added like snapshot or release which varies from project to…
