From the course: Introducing Maven

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POM properties

POM properties

- [Instructor] Properties in a POM file are often an indication of someone who has manipulated POM files for some time and has felt pain that the properties aim to solve. So before we jump into configuration, let's talk about the purpose. Properties have several key features that I find value in. First, is it reduces duplication. Often times when configuring the POM, you find yourself putting the same value for an item and properties helped reduce that. In the same vain, it allows you to streamline configuration. Often when used in conjunction with a parent POM, which we'll talk about later, you can radically improve the configuration. You also get the benefit of keeping items in sync. Especially versions of similar libraries. Properties allow you to leverage a version once and reference it. Again, it stands in the same light that once you have abstracted versions to a property, you can upgrade in one place by upgrading the property itself. So let's open our project and specifically…
