From the course: Introducing Maven

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Packaging plugins

Packaging plugins

- [Instructor] Build packages are used every time a build occurs, but usually we don't do a lot of extra configuration we just specify the package type. Once again let's jump to our Plugins page. We're going to scroll down here to the packaging tools. We'll start at the top and start with the EAR. Now the EAR and the Enterprise Archive is used for large scale J2EE or Jakarta EE deployments. These EAR files actually alow you to put all the other packages in them. Things like ejbs, wars, jars, rar files, a whole list of things can actually go into an EAR and an EAR allows you to deploy them once, instead of deploying each one individually. On the Usage page you'll see that you have a little bit of configuration that you can apply, but really it's when you execute package and the packaging of your artifact is EAR that this will get executed. Again there's some advanced configuration, but you can read through that on your own if you're doing EAR file deployments. Anymore very few of us…
