From the course: Introducing Maven

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- [Instructor] So now that we've run through the basics of Apache Maven, you might be asking what's next in your learning path with this fine tool. But before we go there, I want to take a brief minute to recap where we have been in this course. We started off by looking at Apache Maven as a whole. It's purpose, configuration, and components of Maven. Then we dug into the build lifecycle and the common build plugins. And finally we ended on looking at the reporting aspects of Apache Maven in a little bit more detail. So now what? I would encourage you to really explore all of the possibilities of Apache Maven for your build and reporting needs. Look into building an archetype for use in your organization. Or maybe just a Parent POM that your other developers can consume. Maybe you might want to play around with the skin of your Maven site. Or even just implement a site for team documentation if you're not already doing so. All in all, it's just about playing with the technology…
