From the course: Introducing Maven

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- [Instructor] Dependencies are probably the most recognizable part of a Maven POM file. This is, after all, what most people think about when they think about Maven. And it does a very fine job of managing those dependencies. To take a look at dependencies, let's open up the exercise files once again. Navigate to the POM file in our learning-maven-presidents project. Now, let's scroll down to the dependencies section. You will see that I have organized these by scope, and this is just because this is how I do dependency management. I have all of my compile scope and then my runtime scope, and then my test scope. Again, this is just my convention, this is not a hard and fast requirement. Now we're going to talk about scope quite a bit later on in the course, but it's important to note that when scope isn't specified, compile scope is default, which is why I mentioned all of these first ones being compile scope. You can also see that each dependency we have listed as a group ID, which,…
