From the course: Interactive Animations with CSS and JavaScript

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- [Instructor] Thanks for sticking with me until the end. I know we covered a lot of ground in this course and clearly I didn't have time to delve too deeply into any one of these technologies. My goal for this course was to try and impart a feel for matching the right technology to the right problem. I'd encourage you to explore outside your comfort zone. Many times, the solution to your problem will be extremely simple using one approach while using another approach might technically work, but will make your program complex and unwieldy. I'd encourage you to look at some of the other courses in our library that explore animations using CSS, JavaScript, and SVG. If you wanna see me rant about technology or see some of the JavaScript code I've written, check out my blog at or my public jsfiddles. Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn. I'd love to hear from you, even if it's not good. Thanks for watching.
