From the course: InDesign: Typography

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White space characters

White space characters - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: InDesign: Typography

White space characters

- [Instructor] Earlier in the course, I said something like you should never use more than one consecutive word space. That may have struck you at the time as being a bit of an extreme statement, a little inflexible perhaps. Well, of course there are times when we want to use different spacing widths. Part of the solution is tabs, and the other part of the solution is using InDesign's different white space characters. So InDesign has all of these different white space characters. Characters in their own right. Of course, I've colored them in for the example, but they are just spacing. And here is where you can access them. And here is their relative size. So how might you use these? Perhaps after a bullet. Now, when we looked at bullet and number lists, I pointed out that most likely after the text you will have a tab character, and that tab character will push the text out to the left indent amount. But perhaps you prefer to work with flushed bullets rather than hanging indent…
