From the course: InDesign: Typography

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Vertical alignment

Vertical alignment

- [Instructor] Earlier on, we talked about alignment, horizontal alignment. But we also have vertical alignment of the text within a text frame. So here, I've put a stroke around the frame so we can clearly see how the text is vertically aligned. And this is pretty straightforward. These are the options. The only one that might not be obvious is Justify. Justify is going to spread the text from the top to the bottom of the text frame. Here are some considerations for vertical alignment. If you want to have text vertically centered within a frame, sometimes there may be a difference between officially centering using text frame options and optically centering it. Both of these are vertically centered, but the one on the left looks like it's closer to the bottom, and that's how it starts out. Now, there are some other factors in play here that we could address this with in some instances, and they are the baseline options. I'll be talking about those in a different movie. But for now…
