From the course: InDesign: Typography

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Understanding text threads

Understanding text threads - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: InDesign: Typography

Understanding text threads

- [Instructor] In InDesign terms, when you continue the flow of text from one text frame to another, you create threaded text. So as a story that begins on one page and goes to another page and then another, this is threaded text. And I want to talk about some of the things that we need to consider when working with threaded text using this very simplistic example of a nursery rhyme. So let's imagine that these are different pages. Now, when I select the first page or the first frame, we see that there is, in the out port, an arrow indicating that the text is continued. If I select the second or third, then we see that it is continued from in the in port and it is continued on indicated in the out port. If I come to my View menu and to Extras, I can show my text threads. This is currently turned on, but we're not seeing the text threads because I am currently in the preview view mode. If I press W to switch to the normal view mode, then we see these linking arrows indicating the text…
