From the course: InDesign: Typography

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Span columns

Span columns

- [Instructor] In this movie, I'm going to talk about spans and splits. These are options that you can find perhaps on the Control Panel if your Control Panel is wide enough, if your monitor is wide enough to show that option. If it's not, and mine isn't, then you will have to come down to here on the Control Panel menu. Now what these options do is allow you to have certain paragraphs span or straddle multiple columns and other paragraphs to the opposite of that split into sub columns. So we see that here. This is a two-column text frame. Let me press W to switch to normal view mode. It's a two-column text frame, and that's determined up here on the Control Panel. Or you can also, in your Text Frame Options, specify the number of columns, but the first two paragraphs span those two columns. Then everything else conforms to the two columns, except this list of ingredients, which is split. So we're using both in the same frame. And the benefit of this is that all of these formats exist…
