From the course: InDesign: Typography

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Parent (master) pages

Parent (master) pages - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: InDesign: Typography

Parent (master) pages

- [Narrator] In this movie, I'm going to talk about parent pages, formally master pages. The first point I want to make is that when you create a new document, the settings that you use in the new document dialogue determine the properties of your A parent page. Parent pages function as template pages, or you could even think of them as page styles. If you look on the pages panel, the panel is divided into a top area where you have your parent pages and beneath that, separated by this horizontal rule where you have your document pages. The letter in the outside corner of the page thumbnail is your cue as to what parent page is applied to the document pages and any change that you make on the parent page will affect all of the document pages that have that parent applied to them. The typical things that you would put on a parent page would be page numbers, but you also determine the margins and the columns. So let's add page numbers. Firstly, I'm going to come to create guides and one…
