From the course: InDesign: Typography

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Paragraph spacing

Paragraph spacing

- [Instructor] This movie is about paragraph spacing. Having looked at alignment and indentation, we're now going to move on to paragraph spacing, space before and space after. This related option, which is paragraph space between paragraphs of the same style, I will talk about when I have a movie on bullet and numbered lists. The first point I want to make is that we never want to have multiple returns. And in the movie about cleaning up text, I pointed out that there is a predefined query in FindChange where you can zap any multiple returns in text that you may have inherited from somebody else. There are reasons for this. Here are two reasons. The first is that those extra spaces might end up at the top of a page or column, and the space won't be ignored, so you'll get uneven column tops. Whereas paragraph spacing before is ignored when it's at the top of a page or column. The second reason is that when you press return multiple times to increase the space between paragraphs, it's…
