From the course: InDesign: Typography

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Paragraph borders and shading

Paragraph borders and shading - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: InDesign: Typography

Paragraph borders and shading

- [Instructor] In the previous movie, we saw how if you want to reverse out a line of type from a solid bar, paragraph rules are a great feature, but they won't work if you have multi-line paragraphs. What you need in this case is paragraph shading. I'm going to set this text back to looking like this. Let's pan to the left. And now I will hold down my Option or Alt key on my paragraph formatting options. I'll come and Option or Alt and click on shading. Check the box. So we start out looking like this. I'll need to adjust the offsets. And in this case, I'm going to offset by 12 points on the top and the bottom. So I need to break that chain because I don't need any offset on the left or the right. The only other thing I want to do here is change the bottom edge. And I'm doing this so that the text looks perfectly centered within this block. I'm going to change the bottom edge to baseline. Just watch how that affects that block of orange. So now leaving the shading, I need to select…
