From the course: InDesign: Typography

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Keep Options

Keep Options

- [Narrator] To take control of the flow of your text, you can use Keep options. Here are some common scenarios. So in this first example, we have a subhead that's occurring at the bottom of a column. We want to take it over to the top of the next column. What we don't want to do is just put our cursor in front of it and press Return. Now, while that works visually in this particular case, it's going to cause us problems down the line because we will have empty paragraph marks littering our document, that will just be waiting to trip us up. So instead, what we want to do is use a Keep option. We can access Keep options by, and I have my cursor inserted in the paragraph, Command Option K or Control Alt K. We can also get to them from the Control Panel menu, but most likely, they are going to be part of a paragraph style definition. So in this case, I'm going to come to my paragraph styles and edit this style by right clicking on it and then coming to Keep options. And I'm going to say,…
