From the course: InDesign: Typography

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Drop caps

Drop caps

- [Instructor] Drop caps are a time honored way of introducing your reader to a new chapter or a new section in your text. Here's an example from the Gutenberg Bible of 1455. To apply a drop cap, insert your cursor into the text, come to the paragraph formatting options, and for now, we are concerned with this option right here. This determines how many lines the character sinks into the text. The second line determines how many characters are made big, but we don't need that in this particular example. So here are a few different approaches to a drop cap. Frequently a drop cap is combined with the first few words in all small caps to provide a transition from the drop cap character into the upper and lowercase text. Sometimes you might want to just increase the size of the drop cap character itself so that it sticks up above the cap height of the first line of type. Sometimes maybe you don't want a drop cap, but instead just an initial cap, a stickup cap. And this is just achieved by…
