From the course: InDesign: Typography

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Creating a layout grid

Creating a layout grid - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: InDesign: Typography

Creating a layout grid

- [Instructor] To help you with the placement of elements on your page, you can use a layout grid, divide your page into a framework. Now, I'm only going to go into a quick overview of working with layout grids here, but let me point you to my course here at LinkedIn Learning, working with grids in InDesign. So the layout grid, I'll come to my Layers panel where I have several layers that are currently hidden. The layout grid is divided into the following areas, or is made up of the following areas, we have the type area, the area within the margins. We have rows, the horizontal divisions. We have columns, the vertical divisions. We have the space between the rows and the columns, the gutters. And together, they make up grid fields, or squares, in this case. And each of those grid fields has an active corner, the top left, and it is at the top left corner that you place your elements. So I'll press W to turn my guides back on, now I have added my grid in this document. And I like to…
