From the course: InDesign: Typography

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Column options

Column options

- [Instructor] We are now going to switch gears and talk about text frame options. We've looked at paragraph formats, we've looked at character formats, we're now going to look at frame formats. What we have are what appears to be two identical passages of text, but they are prepared in a different way. On the left, we have a single frame that is divided into three columns with a gutter width of 12 points. And on the right we have three individual frames which are threaded together. At the end of the day, both approaches will work, but most of the time I favor the approach on the left, that's because it's one element as opposed to three, it's faster, we can apply formats to a single frame using object styles, I know we haven't covered those yet, but that's coming, and we can also apply spans to certain paragraphs that this would really only be at the beginning of the text, to headlines that we want to straddle all of our columns. However, there are some times when the approach on the…
