From the course: InDesign: Typography

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Bullets and numbering

Bullets and numbering - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: InDesign: Typography

Bullets and numbering

- In this movie, we're going to look at bullet and number lists. And I'm going to start off with a list about lists. So if you are working with bullets, here is some advice, unless it's a full sentence, don't end it with a period. Use ragged alignment even if your body text is justified. Control the spacing between the bullets. Don't use hyphenation with bulleted items. You want to make sure that you keep the lines together. That's something that you can do with keep options and I'll be having a movie about keep options later on. Choose to ignore optical margin alignment when working with bulleted text. This is a rather obscure feature, when we get to optical margin alignment, I will point out exactly what that is. And then when your lists are long, you might consider splitting them into multiple columns. We're going to do some of this, but first let's add bullets to our list. So I'm going to select this text to apply bullets come up to the control panel and this icon right here. Now…
