From the course: InDesign: Typography

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Baseline shift

Baseline shift

- [Instructor] So we've seen leading, we've seen tracking, kerning. The next thing that we want to look at following the order of items on the control panel is baseline shift, which is this option right here. Now, baseline shift is the adjustment of a single character or maybe a few characters relative to the baseline of the other characters in the paragraph. Here are some use cases. So earlier on when talking about superscript and subscript, I expressed a preference for OpenType Superior or OpenType Inferior, if you have that option, if you're working with a pro font. But you may decide having done that, that you want to shift this ordinal up from its baseline and to do so, select it and come to baseline shift and we can just tap the up arrow a few times. And I can do the equivalent for the OpenType Inferior to move that down relative to the baseline. As an aside, let me just point out that the superscript and subscript position, if you are using just regular superscript and…
