From the course: InDesign 2023 Essential Training

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Using object styles

Using object styles

- [Instructor] Now that you're familiar with character styles and paragraph styles, it's time to talk about object styles. Yes, that's right. You can define an object style that with a single click will apply all sorts of object formatting such as fill and stroke and transparency effects and more. So let's make an object style in this document from the exercise files folder. First, let's press option or alt page up two times to jump a couple of spreads back. Now, we can select one of these images like the one on the left and apply some formatting to it as an example. For example, let's give it a stroke color of say, gray, and let's make it really thick, maybe eight points. And let's give it a drop shadow by going to the effects pop-up menu here and choosing drop shadow. That looks fine. Okay, let's make an object style based on this. The object styles panel is over here in the dock. And remember, if you don't see the panel…
