From the course: InDesign 2023 Essential Training

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Setting text frame attributes

Setting text frame attributes - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: InDesign 2023 Essential Training

Setting text frame attributes

- [Instructor] If you've ever framed a photograph, you know that it's all about managing where the image sits inside the frame, how far from the edge and so on. Well, text is the same way, and you can control where InDesign positions text inside of a frame using the text frame options dialog box. Let me show you. In this frame over here on the left, you can see that the text is pressed right up against the edge of the frame, which is kind of ugly. So let's insert some space. To do that, I'm going to select the frame, then go to the object menu and choose Text Frame Options. Or you could press cmd + b on the Mac or ctrl + b on windows. The inset spacing section right in the middle of the dialog box lets us control how much space there should be. It's sort of like padding or margins between the edge of the frame and the text. Now, if you want to have different amounts of spacing on each of the four sides of the frame,…
