From the course: InDesign 2023 Essential Training

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- [David] One of the great things about InDesign is that it's so rich, so deep that there's always more to learn. If you want to go deeper with InDesign, I have several recommendations. First, check out the website that I help run,, which is also the new home for InDesign Secrets. There are thousands of tips and tricks and more every week. Plus, we have a free InDesign podcast, live online events, and more. If you sign up for a free account, you'll get an InDesign tip every week in your inbox. Or if you become a member, you'll get our publication, "CreativePro Magazine" plus 150 back Issues of "InDesign Magazine." This is a great resource written by InDesign experts all over the world. It's distributed as a PDF and you can download a free trial issue from If you use InDesign for professional work, I definitely recommend you check out our events, including our annual conference…
