From the course: InDesign 2023 Essential Training

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Highlighting paragraphs with boxes

Highlighting paragraphs with boxes - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: InDesign 2023 Essential Training

Highlighting paragraphs with boxes

- [Instructor] You can see these shaded areas that call out some paragraphs around the page. How do we create that kind of paragraph border or shading effect? Well, let's start by using the type tool, and select a couple of these paragraphs down here on the right side of the page. Then I'll zoom in to a hundred percent by pressing command or control 1. Remember, you don't have to select the entire paragraph in order for paragraph formatting to apply to the text. Now, to apply paragraph shading, I want to go up to the control panel while it's in paragraph formatting mode and turn on the shading checkbox. We can also choose a shading color from the little pop-up menu on the right. For example, I'll choose this gray color. But the control panel doesn't give you all the options. So to get all the controls you want, hold down the option or alt key and click on the little icon to the left of that menu. That brings up the…
