From the course: InDesign 2023 Essential Training

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Aligning and distributing

Aligning and distributing

- [Instructor] One of the signs of professional design is the precision and consistency of how you align your objects on the page. So let's take a look at some great tricks for ensuring your objects line up. First, let's open the pages panel, and I'm going to double click on page five to go there. We have three images here that I want to align. When you select one of these objects and drag it around the page, you'll see little lines showing up and then disappearing. Those are smart guides and they make life so much easier. For example, I'll drag this over until I see this magenta line. That means that it's centered on the page. If I drag this object up, now I see some green lines connecting that object with the object to the left, and that means these objects are aligned. Now, check this out, I'm going to drag this object on the right until it aligns with the others, but also I'm going to move it over until I see…
