From the course: InDesign 2022 Essential Training

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Understanding text wrap

Understanding text wrap

- [Instructor] How do you get text to run around something else on your page? For example, I want this text on the left to run around these flowers. How do you do that? Well, you need the Text Wrap panel, and you can find that by going to the Window menu, and then just choosing Text Wrap. Let's move this off to the side a little bit. Next, you need to choose the object that you want to cause the wrap. In this case, it's those flowers, that image. Then you need to choose one of these Text Wrap buttons along the top of the panel. But first, I want to point out that InDesign can do Text Wrap whether the image is behind the text frame or on top of it, it doesn't matter. Now, this first button in the Text Wrap panel means no wrap. That's what we have right now. There's no text run around going on. But if you click this second button, well that means wrap around the graphic frame. The whole rectangular frame. You can…
