From the course: InDesign 2022 Essential Training

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Creating a table

Creating a table

- [Instructor] One of the most difficult design challenges is representing a lot of data clearly. it's easier to throw a bunch of numbers and dates on a page, but to make them readable you typically need to format it all as a table. InDesign offers a number of features that make table making well, not fun, but at least pretty tolerable and sometimes even interesting. So in this movie, I'm going to show you the essentials just what you need to do to get up and running with tables quickly. Now the first thing you need to know about tables in InDesign is that they're always anchored inside of a text frame, sometimes in the middle of a story or sometimes as the only thing in the text frame. I've already made a text frame here in this document So I'm going to place my text cursor in there by double clicking with a selection tool. Then go to the table menu and choose insert table. The insert table dialogue box lets you…
