From the course: InDesign 2022 Essential Training

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Adjusting rows and columns

Adjusting rows and columns

- [Instructor] I have version B of this table document open from the exercise files, and this is where we left off in the last movie. Now I want to adjust these rows and columns. But if I use the selection tool and just drag over one of these column dividers, it doesn't move the divider, it moves the entire text frame. That's not what I want. So let me undo that with a commander Control + Z. Remember that tables are always inside text frames and therefore you have to use the type tool, to do almost anything to a table. Once you choose the type tool and click inside the table, now you can drag these dividers. For example, I could make this a little bit wider or I could make this narrower. Now you'll notice, that as I drag those column dividers, it changes the width of the entire table. If you want to move a column divider without changing the width of the table, you can hold down this Shift key. Shift + drag on a column…
