From the course: Inclusive Mindset for Committed Allies

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Practices and applications for dedicated allyship

Practices and applications for dedicated allyship

From the course: Inclusive Mindset for Committed Allies

Practices and applications for dedicated allyship

- When we think about being dedicated, an important area to focus on is the concept of privilege. We talked about that in our fundamentals video and here's a way that we can examine more deeply how our privileges impact our attitudes about how allyship should work. Let me share a personal story of mine. When I was in graduate school, there was a woman there who clearly didn't like me and I made the assumption that it was because I was Black but when I talked to her about it, she said, "no, that has nothing to do with it. It's because you come in here with your Stanford sweatshirt on and you think you're so much smarter than everyone else" and I was shocked and deeply offended. I thought, well, what am I supposed to do, pretend I didn't go to Stanford, not wear my Stanford sweatshirt but it did get me thinking about my educational privilege and I started to notice little ways that it came up. When I started working at…
