From the course: Inclusive Mindset

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How to take care of yourself while practicing DEI

How to take care of yourself while practicing DEI

From the course: Inclusive Mindset

How to take care of yourself while practicing DEI

- So far, we spent most of our time talking about strategies to be brave in support of people from marginalized identities. But what does it look like to practice courage when you yourself are a member of one or more of these groups? Being brave can be especially hard when bias and stereotypes create an environment that feels unwelcoming or even worse, outright hostile. You may feel that it's necessary to over perform, assimilate, or take on additional opportunities to prove your worth. Engaging in this kind of behavior can limit your ability to perform your core functions and negatively impact your work life balance. While it may be tempting to overwork yourself as a way of disproving stereotypes, research continues to show that not taking care of your own needs and professional spaces can lead to burnout. So, how can you be proactive in taking care of yourself? The first thing is to set boundaries. I know…
