From the course: Inclusive Mindset

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Evaluate systems for equity

Evaluate systems for equity

From the course: Inclusive Mindset

Evaluate systems for equity

- If you want to practice real allyship at the highest levels of advocacy, encourage your organization to look at its internal and external systems to evaluate them for equity. Examples of these practices include pay transparency and equity audits, looking at supplier diversity to ensure that vendors reflect the inclusion values of the organization, and pursuing consultants and members of the board of directors at the highest level to make sure the values are embedded at every point in the organization. There are many cases that people can use to get buy-in for inclusion, including the business case, the ethical case, and the personal case. The business case reminds everyone that inclusion is essential to the bottom line economic and market share performance for companies that want to be competitive in the new global economy. The ethical case underscores that inclusion is the right thing to do to offset the negative…
