From the course: Human Resources: Compensation and Benefits

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International compensation

International compensation

- You've just learned that your company has chosen you and your family for a three-year overseas assignment to Zurich, Switzerland. After the initial excitement wears off, you begin to think about the compensation and benefits package that you'll need to live comfortably. After all, Zurich is expensive. So let me help you understand some of the things you'll need to know about international compensation and benefits. International compensation policy focuses on three key objectives: attracting and retaining employees who are qualified for overseas service, facilitating transfers between foreign affiliates and between home country and foreign locations, and maintaining compensation that's reasonable in relation to the practices of leading competitors. As firms expand into overseas markets, they typically adopt one of three types of compensation plans: localization, local plus, or the balance sheet. Localization pays expatriates on the same scale as local nationals. Firms then…
