From the course: HTML: Images and Figures

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Image format overview

Image format overview - HTML Tutorial

From the course: HTML: Images and Figures

Image format overview

- [Instructor] At this point you know how to put images into your web pages. In this chapter we're going to discuss types of images, the file types that web browsers use and how to choose the correct type of image. The first type of image is line art which consists of large areas of flat colors as in the paintbrush, or perhaps with some gradients as in the middle image. This doesn't mean that line art can't have detail in it as you see in the image of the globe and plane. In all these cases it's pretty clear that you have a drawing as opposed to something that's clearly a photograph. The file formats optimized for line art are GIF, PNG and SVG. The file format created for photos is JPEG. We'll go into detail further in the chapter. Part of the optimization that image files do is called compression. For example consider the image of the teddy bear. It's 349 by 400 pixels. If each pixel takes up three bytes one each for the amount of red, green and blue in the color, that's a total or…
