From the course: HTML: Images and Figures

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Challenge: Images and text

Challenge: Images and text - HTML Tutorial

From the course: HTML: Images and Figures

Challenge: Images and text

(gentle whooshing) - [Man] Okay, now it's your turn. Here's a challenge involving image resizing, spacing, alignment, and floating. In the exercise files for this video you'll find the files you need for this challenge. The original sizes for each image is listed here. The HTML file I've provided you has comments that tell you what needs to be done. The heading on lines 17 to 21 will have the flags of Germany and Munich on either side of the text, vertically aligned with the middle of the text. The main text on lines 22 to 33 will have the image of the museum clock at the left, and the view from the top of the museum on the right. The paragraph on lines 39 to 42, giving information on how to get to the museum, must appear below both pictures, not between them. Here's what the result should look like. Your webpage might not look exactly like this, depending on the font size and screen width you use, but you will have to make the width and height of the flags smaller than their normal…
