From the course: Green Screen Techniques for Video and Photography

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An introduction to keying in Final Cut Pro X

An introduction to keying in Final Cut Pro X

- Now we're going to take a look, how you can composite video in Final Cut Pro X. When you open the Final Cut Pro project file, you'll notice there are two clips. We have the foreground clip, which is our model turning, and we have the background clip of the beach. The first thing you want to do when you're compositing is bring in your main clip, your foreground clip. So what I want to do is simply select it, and I can trim it a little bit if I don't want to take that beginning part and just when she starts to turn. And now that I've selected the range that I want to bring in, I'm going to simply press the "e" key, which is an append edit, and it will bring it down to my sequence, or to my timeline. The next thing I want to do is bring in my background. Now a lot of times people think they need to put the background in first and on the second layer put in your foreground, but it doesn't have to work that way. I'm going to select…
