From the course: Graphic Design Tips & Tricks

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Learning by doing

Learning by doing

- I learned design not in school but on the street. The way I did it I probably spent 10,000 hours early in my career standing in front of magazine racks. And I would go home with stacks just the most esoteric stacks of magazines. I'd get 'em home, I'd cut 'em apart. I'd spread pieces all over the room and I would study them. I would learn typography, I would learn color, I would see how layouts worked. See how this this image affected that image. And how this flow moved with that. And I learned by copying. It's very similar to the old apprentice master system where an apprentice would attach himself to a master and learn by literally copying the masters work. This is a great way to learn. And you're copying it to learn. You're not copying it to plagiarize. So let me show you an example of how this works. What we're looking at is the cover of a book of poems by Billy Collins. And I'd like to start by just deconstructing it. The first thing I did was simply measure the dimensions. You…
