From the course: Graphic Design Foundations: Layout and Composition

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The most important ingredient: Contrast

The most important ingredient: Contrast

- I can't express the importance of contrast too much. Contrast is the key ingredient in successful modern design. Contrast is the difference between thrilling and boring. Contrast is strength. There are multiple kinds of contrast. Contrast between dark and light, large and small, vibrant and somber, happy and sad, complicated and minimal. The last thing you ever want your solution to be is dull. When a piece lacks contrast it becomes recessive, uninteresting and forgettable. In film and writing, contrast creates interest. In "Star Wars," compare the dynamic swings of action from intense to quiet, and the dark of space to the bright of a desert. Now think about sitting in school and watching a documentary on how to use good manners to be popular. Low contrast, no exploding death stars, dull. Great design relies on the same dynamic. This concert poster is a fine example of contrast, with color, black and white and…
