From the course: Generative AI Tools for Productivity and Research

Setting up Elicit AI for scientific literature searches

From the course: Generative AI Tools for Productivity and Research

Setting up Elicit AI for scientific literature searches

- [Instructor] Elicit is a generative AI tool for academic literature search and exploration, often referred to as an AI research assistant. Elicit can streamline your research workflow. To get started, let's head to To get the feel of the platform, you can explore icons, like available features, pricing, frequently asked questions. For this course, we will be focusing on the Basic tier, which is free with some limitation. If you're new to Elicit, you can create an account. If you already have an account, like me, simply sign in. So this is the Elicit interface. There is the pin here where you can have the new notebook. You have access to your library, previous notebooks. You should know a notebook in this case is just workspace that you create for each project that you're working on. On this interface, you can use Elicit to find papers online, extract data from your own PDF, and then you can also list concepts to find more papers. In the next series of videos, we will do some task with Elicit.
