From the course: Gender in Negotiation

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Training and practice in negotiation

Training and practice in negotiation

From the course: Gender in Negotiation

Training and practice in negotiation

- Are you confident that you have what it takes to become a leader in your organization? The consulting firm, Bain & Company, asked that question of 1,000 Americans. They learned that confidence increases when people have more experience and success within that organization. When respondents were new to their company, only 29% said they were confident in their ability to reach that senior position, but after two successful years on the job, that number jumped to 56%. Author Norman Vincent Peale put it like this. "Without a humble but reasonable confidence "in your own powers, you cannot be successful or happy." While those are wise words for anyone, they're particularly true for negotiators. Knowing that you are a trained and experience bargainer helps you enter a negotiation with confidence. Confidence comes from trusting yourself. You have enough experience. You have done sufficient planning. When this happens, you…
