From the course: Final Cut Pro X 10.6 Essential Training

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Using different cropping methods

Using different cropping methods

- In this movie, we're going to take a look at some of the crop features inside of Final Cut Pro X, for our clips within our timeline. I'm here in my Chapter 6_2 project, this can be found in your projects event if you have access to the exercise files. And in that timeline, we want to find a still image that's named "Shop", it is on a secondary storyline, and I just have it selected right now, I'm going to press "Command + Equals" to zoom in, it's called Shop_front. I do want to draw your attention, if we could look at this clip with it selected, if we look at the info pane, I just want to show you how big it is. It's 5,000 pixels by 3,351. This is a great still to have in a timeline that's a lot smaller because we do have the ability to scale up on it an perform a ton of different crop settings on it without losing quality. Pretty much almost up to double or triple the amount of size that we'll see here in a second. So, I'm going to head with this clip selected, if you're wondering…
