From the course: Final Cut Pro X 10.6 Essential Training

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Recording voice-overs and narration

Recording voice-overs and narration

- [Narrator] Final Cut Pro X makes it extremely easy for us to record voiceovers directly to our open project. In this movie we will discover how we can do that. I'm here in my Chapter 7_8 project. You may remember in the last chapter we actually when about to edit some stills and have motion to them, in the form of using Ken Burns. So let's go ahead, I'm going to read a voiceover and we're going to kind of set this up here so it appears in the timeline. And you can attempt to do the same thing at home and hopefully you have an external audio source that you can do that to. While, we can use, of course, the built-in speakers on our Mac, it's just not going to appear necessarily, or sound necessarily, that good. So to perform a voiceover we can simply actually go to the Window menu and if you go here you'll see there's an option to record voiceover. This is going to open up a floating window here in a second after we give permission for Final Cut to use our microphone. And then here…
