From the course: Figure Drawing: Tonal Rendering

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- [Instructor] While a silhouette creates a stark contrast to the background, the inverse happens in another lighting situation which could be referred to as camouflage or burnout, when aspects of the figure seem to dissolve into the background. Let's take a look at two different effects. First, this Seurat drawing here has a portrait in really low light. Look at how the upper right corner of her hair is indistinguishable from the background, so in here and even in aspects here, her shoulder, there's no hard edge, it's all sort of blending in. And we would call that camouflage, where things are really blending together without any clear outline. On the right here, in this Eakins drawing, the reverse is true. Light is spilling onto the model's chest, and there's only a slight line. So, right here, light is coming onto the chest, and there's just the slightest line defining where his body ends and the background begins. So, we could call this a burnout effect, where detail tends to…
