From the course: Figure Drawing: Tonal Rendering

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Adding tonality, demo 1

Adding tonality, demo 1

- [Instructor] Now that we can visualize how to simplify the figure into geometric shapes, we can practice adding tonality. The exercises you did on our simple shapes will support you in this practice. It's really easy to feel overwhelmed when you're suddenly faced with a beautiful figure in dramatic light. Remember, it's all about three-D shapes being hit with light at a certain angle. That's it. This figure is just made of multiple blocks, angled in different ways to the light source. You got this. Let's start building value with simple, tonal hatch marks. We can break the form into tonal zones which can get progressively refined. First, let's work with the most basic light and dark zones. Remember our tonal gradients? Well it's time to put them to use. Using basic hatching marks in one direction will simplify this process. So here's a tonal gradient that I created using my red pencil. And I'm looking at it, and I'm asking myself where I can apply my lightest light. Where some of my…
