From the course: Figma: Using Auto Layout

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Exploring nested auto layout

Exploring nested auto layout - Figma Tutorial

From the course: Figma: Using Auto Layout

Exploring nested auto layout

- [Presenter] Now it's time for us to cover the concept of nested auto layout. When you create more complex designs with auto layout, you will likely start using this concept, so let's quickly explore what it means. In principle, nested auto layout refers to having an auto layout frame within another auto layout frame. This allows you to mix together vertical and horizontal layouts to design complex user interfaces. To give you a few examples, you might think of a navigation menu with buttons, tables with multiple rows and columns, or even a product card that consists of an image, name, price tag, and other visual elements. So now it's time to open Figma to create a nested auto layout design and see how it works in practice. So here in our exercise file, we have another Figma project, and right here you can see a main frame. So I will quickly zoom it in, and we have two elements that we are going to work with together. So this is a text layer and a simple ellipse. So we are going to…
