From the course: Figma for UX Design

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Creating the hero section

Creating the hero section - Figma Tutorial

From the course: Figma for UX Design

Creating the hero section

- [Instructor] Now that you're familiar with the overall layout of Figma and we've created our styles, it's time for us to start working with frames. We're also going to set up a layout grid, learn some shortcuts, and start building our hero section. As I mentioned earlier, frames are the foundational building block of Figma. Frames can be nested within one another. You can apply rules to define how the frames interact. So for example, we can use our auto layout, which we'll be working with later, to ensure that things stay spaced, stay consistent, as we increase our wisp between elements. Frames are also going to be one of the main learning curves, one of the more difficult things as you're moving from other tools into Figma, but they're very important to master. So once you're comfortable with Figma after this course, you're going to want to spend more time just mastering frames and digging into frames. But for now…
