From the course: Figma for UX Design

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Collaborating with stakeholders

Collaborating with stakeholders - Figma Tutorial

From the course: Figma for UX Design

Collaborating with stakeholders

- [Instructor] When working inside of large teams or with clients, stakeholders, the ability to share your concepts early for feedback is another way we can stay efficient as a UX designer. Let's assume now that we've been building out our hero section, our About Us page, and we want to send this off to the client to get some feedback. We come up here to the top right hand corner into our share. We can add that user's email. We can make them simply a viewer so they're not able to tweak anything. We can invite them. If they're already somebody who's been invited into this design file, we can simply copy the link and we can send that link to them via email. So let's assume now that we've done that, and we're now logging into Figma to see what feedback we have from the client. So what we'll do is we'll come up here to the commenting icon in our toolbar. We'll select that, and notice over on the right hand side, we…
