From the course: Figma for UX Design

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Applying auto layout

Applying auto layout - Figma Tutorial

From the course: Figma for UX Design

Applying auto layout

- [Instructor] We've made it to the auto layout portion of the course. Auto layout is one of the coolest features that Figma has. It's super powerful and super robust and could be an entire course on its own. But for now, I just want to make sure that you have the basics so you have a better understanding of how useful auto layouts can be and understand how to access the tool. We will also cover components and components are going to be Figma's term for symbols. Components allow us to create a design element once and then reuse it throughout our project. The key benefit being that any edit made to the parent component will automatically flow out to the rest of the usage inside of our app. So for things like a navigation, if we build out 50 pages that all use the navigation, we make one tweak to the component, and that tweak flows out automatically to all instances of that component or across all 50 pages we've already created…
