From the course: Excel Weekly Challenge

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Troubleshoot settings for printing

Troubleshoot settings for printing - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel Weekly Challenge

Troubleshoot settings for printing

- [Instructor] We got a problem. We need to print this data out for the client. The client has tried to print it, and they're frustrated, because February is printing out funny. I don't know what funny means. That's where your help is needed. Find out what is going on with February. And then change the parameters so that February will print out like January and March. Okay, and also make sure that this objectives box does not print out on the paper. The client does not need to see that. All right, so dig around, see what's going on. Get it all corrected, and come back. We'll work it out together, and turn things around for this client. (upbeat music) Okay, let's troubleshoot this and see what's going on. But first, I'm going to deal with this objectives box. I'm going to highlight it, and then right click, size and properties, properties, print object, uncheck that. Okay, close it. Now, let's go over to print, and…
