From the course: Excel Weekly Challenge

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Sort this data

Sort this data

- [Instructor] Oh my, look at this messy data. We've got ellipses for the county with Candis Silvio. Toussant, that whole row is all caps. This kind of stuff happens when data is pasted in out of a PDF or is pasted off of a web page. We get all kind of weird stuff, and then the data is incomplete on top of that. And our goal is to be able to sort this. But watch what happens. I'm going to go over here, go to Data, Sort. To do this all the merged cells need to be the same size. What is goin' on here? Can you please figure this out? Fix the data so it can be sorted, and then sort it by county, and then by licensed date. That's all we want to do. We aren't going to fix this bold or anything else. Just get this fixed so we can sort it, all right? Please pause the video, get the data sorted, come back, and I'll show you a solution. Okay, you back. Here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to highlight all of this, and then…
